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Each pack contains 5 test strips. This allows you to repeat the test or if it is negative test your partner or friends too. Please note that once the foil pouch is opened, all test strips will need to be used within 1 hour.


Professional urine reagent test strips for the rapid determination of Ketones levels in urine. These are the diagnostic reagent strips used by physicians, clinics and hospitals to initially screen for suspected and/or existing health conditions.


Simple to use, urine diagnostic reagent strips can provide early indications of developing health problems and identify potential abnormal functions requiring more extensive testing. Additionally, routine use is frequently recommended by physicians for monitoring certain existing and chronic health conditions.


Ideal for monitoring Atkins diets, low carb diets or Diabetic control

- Quanatative results on easy to read colour comparison chart

Accurate results in minutes.

FAST UK delivery




Depending on the test and specific reagent panel, abnormal levels of specific chemical compounds contained in urine can be easily and readily identified as potential risks factors to overall health and/or indicators of underlying health problems.

20 x Home Ketones Ketosis Urine Test Strips (4x5 pack)

SKU: Kx4

    For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
    As with all laboratory tests, definitive diagnostic or therapeutic decisions should not be based on any single result or method.


    Store at temperatures between 15-30C (59-86F) and out of direct sunlight.

    Replace cap immediately and tightly.

    Do not remove desiccant form bottle.

    Read enclosed directions carefully.

    Do not use after expiration date.

    Use only if tamper evident seals on this carton are intact.

    These are the diagnostic reagent strips used by physicians, clinics and hospitals to initially screen for suspected and/or existing health conditions. Simple to use, urine diagnostic reagent strips can provide early indications of developing health problems and identify potential abnormal functions requiring more extensive testing. Additionally, routine use is frequently recommended by physicians for monitoring certain existing and chronic health conditions.


    Collect a fresh urine sample in a clean, dry container preferably glass. First morning samples contain the highest concentration of target markers.

    Remove one reagent strip from the bottle and immediately replace the container cap, minimizing the exposure of the remaining test strips to light and air.

    Completely immerse the reagent pads of the strip in the urine sample and then remove immediately to avoid dissolving out the reagent pads.

    While removing the reagent strip, run the edge of the strip against the rim of the specimen container to remove excess urine. Hold the strip in a horizontal position to prevent possible cross contamination of chemicals located in adjacent reagent pads.

    Compare the colour change of reagent pads to the corresponding colour chart on the bottle label. Read results according to the chart's time frame for each panel tested.

    Record the results of your readings for discussion and/or evaluation with your physician or healthcare provider and then discard the used reagent strip.

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